Saturday, March 30, 2024

Get in the spirit of '76 with Spirit (slimmed down edition)

There are two distinct bands that are Spirit (well, three at least, but bear with me here), in the same way that there are two different,distinct eras of Spirit. There was Spirit, the original band, from 1967 to 1971, a tight, concise ensemble built around the talents of guitar player and lead singer Randy California, but also Jay Ferguson's on vocals and persussion, and the contributions of John Locke on keyboards and the solid rhythm section of bass man Mark Andes and California's stepdad Ed Cassidy on drums. That group came to a grinding halt when California accused Ferguson and Andes of plotting to take the group away from him, with both then quitting to form Jo Jo Gunne.  

And then there is Spirit Mark II, which is the band that named itself Spirit from about 1974 onwards. Spirit Mark II was a curious band, not only because it was Randy California and his stepdad plus whoever was available. (We're just gonna skip the weird 1971 - 1973 intermezzo, where the band was without California and led by the Staehely brothers). Spirit Mark II was, arguably a weaker band then the original, yet in many ways I find them more interesting, and they are definitely more interesting for the purposes of One Buck Records. 

The trademark of Spirit Mark II is its shambolic nature, a band built around whatever whims Randy California was having at any time. Sprit Mark II was the band that figured that having a couple of unfinished guitar noodles and some Star Trek dialogue run through a vocoder would suffice to make an album (narrator: it did not). Randy California was a bit like his idol Jimmy Hendrix, obsessively recording himself. In Spirit Mark II, California would often just take whatever little guitar doodles he had lying around and put them to use. Sometimes he would turn them into complete, structured or relatively structured songs, and often he would not. 

The 'found object, anything goes' esthetic of Spirit Mark II means that that part of Spirit's career is perfect for alternate album explorations, a specialty here at One Buck Records. Since the work is so shambolic and seemingly random, it feels much more justified to de- and reconstruct, or in some cases to construct from the ton of outtakes California & Co. left behind. In what for the moment is planned as a series of four alternate Spirit albums, we start with something deceptively simple: Trying to turn Spirit's sprawling, full of detours extravaganza Spirit of '76 into a single album. Deceptively simple because when I tried to actually do it, some tough cuts had to be made. But I think I ultimately suceeded in trimming down the wealth of material into a relative coherent single album statement.  

Speaking of wealth of material. Most of the material on Spirit of '76 (and the one ending up on follow-up Son Of Spirit) was written 'on spec', with Spirit renting out Studio 10 in Tampa to put as much material on tape as possible. This material got them their record deal with Mercury Records, but it also announced how Spirit Mark II would operate. The inspired and the weird, the constructed and the unfinished, sitting side by side in what would become the band's de facto method of operation. 

I wanted to keep most of the album's covers - in the context of the album it sounds like California compiling the New American Songbook: Dylan, of course, as a pillar, but also a foundational piece like "Walking The Dog", a new folk standard popularized by his idol Jimi Hendrix ("Hey Joe") and a nod to the Rolling Stones ("Happy"). That's a pretty good new songbook to my ears. California's own compositions show plenty of his spacey, echoey guitar on languid numbers like "Lady Of The Lakes" or his trip to "Urantia", the run-out groove of this single album's side one as it were, while he really wheels out heavy guitar playing on "Walking The Dog", his fantastic nine minute version of "Like A Rolling Stone" (which starts slowly and calmly, then builds up a head of steam) or "Victim Of Society". That track was somewhat of a headache for me, as it's a relatively generic rocker, so I long debated leaving it off this single album version but finally decided to keep it.  

Spirit themselves placed the bookends perfectly, recalling the upcoming Bicentennial celebrations of the nation, with their "America The Beautiful/The Times They Are A-Changing" medley to start and "The Star-Spangled Banner" (plus a snatch of "Times") to end the album, so that would obviously stay. But I still wanted to program the album as, at least partly a personal journey of personal enlightenment, so it builds to the double climax of "My Road" and "Thank You Lord", two songs that mirror and answer each other, before the entirely reconstructed and funky (when has that song ever been accused of that?!) "Star-Spangled Banner", in another nod to idol and mentor Hendrix, finishes things. 

So, Spirit of '76 as a concentrated shot of rock'n'roll, 49 minutes just squeezing under the upper limits of vinyl records of the time. I think it works rather splendidly like this. I hope you get into the, uh, spirit of this, and agree...



  1. Slimmed Down Spirit

  2. 12 Dreams has been one of my all-time faves since I heard it within a couple years of its release. Ed Cassidy spent his twilight years here on the central coast, and my bro even interviewed him for a local music rag, but even with that, and loving 12 Dreams, I STILL never delved into their post-12 material. So I'm totally out o' the loop for what Spirit did after 12, and curious. Thanks for doing this. I enter with trepidation...
    C in California

  3. Oh, I forgot to ask a project-related question:

    Which double album would in your opinion most benefit from being a single?

    1. I won't talk benefits, just preferences: Keep Sides 1 and 4 of Humble Pie's Performance: Rockin' The Fillmore and I'd be fine, as I can't remember when I listened to Sides 2 & 3. Otherwise, I'm ok I b'lieve with any other double LP I have.
      C in California

  4. I'm a big fan of the original band and consider them one of the best and most creative psychedelic bands. My response to MK II is more varied, for reasons you outline very well here. Thanks for this project. Is your question about double LPs about Spirit MK II or double LPs in general?

    1. Oh, I mean in general.

      Which double makes you think, "Well, if this was a little mor concise..."

    2. People talk about this all the time but I rarely have that reaction. In fact I was very pleased when the double CD replaced the double LP because it works very well, especially for best of compilations.
      The single CD can be any length up to 80 minutes and has been used that way, thereby proving that I'm full of crap and that is a commonly understood problem after all.
      Then there's the issue of artists that can't even fill a single LP with good music..........

    3. Oh, when I say double, I mean double vinyl album (so between 70 - 90 minutes of music). A double CD would essentially be a quintruple LP proposition, which feels like too much in one sitting, unless - like you say - it's an Anthology type package.

  5. I'm not really misunderstanding your question. I'm just pushing back against something I've heard said many times; that most double LPs by rock artists would better if reduced to one disc. I mind that to be mostly untrue. I like seeing artists spread out a little and reveal a bit more of the larger context of what they're doing.
    That being said, I do have a good example of exactly the kind of bloat you're asking about: Sandinista by The Clash.

    1. Sandinista for sure (but not London Calling). I thought The White Album would be the popular choice to make a single LP from a double -- but I like your point, Psychfan. The Beatles stretched out, and so did the Clash, the Stones (on Sticky Fingers), and Led Zep (on Physical Graffiti).

    2. I don't recall Sticky Fingers being a double. I agree about London Calling.

    3. He meant Exile On Main Street, I'm guessing. Ironically, Sticky Fingers sounds more varied to me than Exile, tho.
      C in California

    4. Yes, he definitely meant Exile and that's a really good example. There are a lot of short fragments that aren't fully developed songs but are musically valid and add to the feel of the album.
      The White Album, on the other hand, has a LOT of shtick on it that distracts from the music.
      I wouldn't want every Stones album to sound like Exile but most bands have the sense to do only one like that. Then you have Self Portrait, which is 95 percent fragmentary and is the most extreme example I know of.

    5. Well, I'm one o' those who loves the White Album as is, and that includes 'Rev #9', which, as a kid, I'd skip over. It was one of a handful of Beatles songs I disliked, along with 'Within You Without You' and 'The Long And Winding Road'. I've grown into 'R#9' and 'WYWY', but still can't stomach the treacle of 'TLAWR'.
      C in California

  6. I cannot describe this as anything other than TASK SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED. Thank you very much!

  7. Although I love the Beatles, I've always had trouble getting all the way through The White Album.

    1. Same here, but who says you can't skip around? Unless you're a loyal fan who feels bound to hear the whole thing as it was conceived and presented by the artist.

  8. Thanks OBG -- don't think I've given any Spirit mk 2 a listen so thank you for the digest version of this album. I'd agree with the White Album -- I can appreciate all the songs to some extent but there's a lot of sap I don't enjoy listening to often between the great songs on that album.

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