Tuesday, March 26, 2024

More drastic measures are needed...

 ...or so it seems, after the last round of the Best Album Eliminator is up for more than a week and has gathered a grand total of one (1) vote (thanks, Greg!). But, seriously, folks. I know you are curious because about two dozens of you clicked on the blog post, yet no one else wanted to post a vote? So, do you really want me and the Gregster to battle out album supremacy all by ourselves?

I was always pretty bad at math, but I use my math lizard brain to figure out a simple lizard brain formula, like 'nice pair of tits > rotten green zombie arm'. So, you get the cheese cake, I get the eye balls back on the Eliminator, and this time no dropping the ball, eye or otherwise, I want some votes in, dammit!

The Velvet Underground & Nico  -  Nevermind 

Revolver - Blood On The Tracks

Sticky Fingers -  Abbey Road

Automatic For The People - Who's Next

So, these are the match-ups. You vote for your favorite between the two of them. Yes, it really is that simple! And now, get to it, before that nice lady up there puts yer lights out...(eben if that's what some of you might hope for...pervs!)


  1. I was one of those who clicked but didn't vote. I think it just struck me as too difficult to choose between some of these classic albums. But in the interest of peace, boobs and the democratic process: Nevermind, Revolver, Abbey Road, Who's Next.

  2. Revolver
    Sticky Fingers
    Who's Next

  3. Yeah, as the field narrows, I, like Jonder (and I s'spect others), find it harder to make a choice. But I guess I oughta put down something, so I'll go with Nevermind, Blood, abstain (just can't pick one over t'other), and Next.
    C in California

  4. The Velvet Underground And Nico, Revolver, Abbey Road and Who's Next. That was easy!

  5. I was too late for my vote to be tallied on the previous post but here are the correct results again:

    1. VU - no contest (I don't want to name names but it's very sad to see some people got this one wrong -- JONDER and C in California!!)

    2. Revolver - a little closer but Dylan's album was just a solid album with some very good songs while Revolver was truly ground breaking with new ideas bursting from every song (which makes it less cohesive but still the more significant album)

    3. Abbey Road - I agree with greg that this was a tough one but Abbey Road has more great moments and some epic song arcs with less throwaways than Sticky Fingers. I generally prefer listening to the Stones over the Beatles so it stinks that the Beatles landed two spots but Sticky Fingers shouldn't have been Stones representative here. Exile, Let it Bleed, or Beggars would have kept them in the running. Sticky Fingers would have beaten most other albums in this bracket though so that was a tough break and I'll give Ned a pass on this one.

    4. Who's Next - NO CONTEST! Every album on this list would pummel R.E.M. into a bloody pulp.

    Kudos to Greg & Psychfan for getting 100% on this one!

    1. Duuuuude! That's exactly what's not supposed to happen. There is no "right" or "wong" choice and no chiding people who voted differently than you. As a matter of fact I will probably oppose you on every single one of your "correct" choices...

    2. Ah, Mr. Dave, so much wrong in so few words. 1)The two best VU albums -- and, yes, I do have 'em all -- are VU and Another VU (the two comps of unreleased material released in '85 and '86), but the debut is purty solid; nevertheless, Nevermind is as solid a thing as can be imagined, which trumps 'purty solid'. 2)BOTT beats Revolver, which does nothing to diminish the absolute greatness of Revolver. Revolver moved rock music forward in the mid-60s, and contains that second-mightiest of Beatles songs (Tomorrow Never Knows), but BOTT is ageless. 3)I couldn't pick one over the other, but, for the record, Sticky Fingers has no throwaways and, come to think of it, Exile is a double album that I'd pare down to a single (to answer one of OBG's questions to his readers). 4)I love REM, and if either Lifes Rich Pageant or Murmur was up against Who's Next, I'da gone with the REM choice, despite the fact that Who's Next is (like Nevermind) as solid a thing as exists.
      See, now that you've seen the truth (and thus the light, albeit not the white light that VU sang of), and no doubt have renounced your erroneous opinions, all is copacetic here at OBG Central. :)
      C in California

    3. "for the record, Sticky Fingers has no throwaways and, come to think of it, Exile is a double album that I'd pare down to a single (to answer one of OBG's questions to his readers)"

      That's right and that's also right...(here's a future challenge...)

  6. Oh MrDave, they're after you with pitchforks and torches. Run for the hills! I guess I should be glad I got 3 out of four "correct". I do love the Velvets (especially WITHOUT Nico), but to my ears Nevermind is (front to back) a better listen. Both albums had a huge impact; maybe either answer is "correct". That's the tough part when you get to the final four.

  7. Ugh! My email notifications haven't been working all this time! I was baffled by the silence following my bold stance here. Glad to hear it provoked some reaction and I hope everyone realizes it's in my nature to be a pig-headed over opinionated troublemaker. I agree that the first VU album is only their 3rd or 4th best but it's still pretty amazing. I'll spare everyone double-downing on my votes since I've already succeeded in ruffling some feathers (I take all your rebukes in the good humor in which I think they were intended)

  8. So, contrarian not by design, but by belief

    Nevermind (both albums are about half memorable, but the more memorable stuff of these halfs is on Nevermind)

    Blood On The Tracks, because I have a knack for singer-songwriters

    Sticky Fingers - best Rolling Stones album. 'Nuff said.

    Automatic For The People (Who's Next is fantastic top to bottom, but this is probably my favorite album of all time...so...you know...)


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