Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Welcome to One Buck Records!

This has been a long time coming. The original idea for a blog called One Buck Records probably goes back to something like a decade ago...whoops...all in good time and all that. The original conception was also somewhat different of what this blog will look like. Some day I might tell you about it. But what really counts is what this blog is about to be. The One Buck Records will obviously focus on music, good to great one preferably. This'll include a series of alternative albums ranging from giants like Bowie, The Byrds and The Beach Boys to fringe artists like Wayne Berry or Mason. There'll be compilations of hidden gems from the last fifty years or so, with an emphasis on the sweet, forgotten sounds of the 1970s. I will try to shed more spotlight on artists who are too little known. Or, you know, just pull an underappreciated record from my collection to hopefully make it slightly more known. 

So, this is it. It's been a long time coming. Let's hope it can last a long time.  


This was, more or less the original text to welcome readers. As I write this, five months later, it's time to take stock and inform readers that labels have now been added to help you either browse by interest or look for something specific (especially considering my predilection for, uhm, ornery article titles). 

After this time there are also some series that will continue to grow

All Pearls, No Swine - The granddaddy of 'em all. Presents hidden gems from past decades. Up until now the 1970s (mainly) and the 1980s (occasionally). Will also include the 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s at later points

From The Record Shelf - records from my collection that deserve wider exposure

One Album Wonders - great records that stand alone (literally, as their artists never made another)

as well as the usual mix of exclusive compilations, alternate albums and other assorted goodies that the One Buck Guy whips up for you.

Enjoy the ride. 


Aerosmith G.T.F.O. - Again...

Let's do it like they do in Hollywood: That's right, folks, it's sequel time! Not necessarily because  the first album was such...