Saturday, March 16, 2024

That which can't be killed... (and then there were eight...)

...and it rises from the undead, once more. March Madness is almost upon us, but it can not compete with the one tournament that counts, at least to five people around here. Yup, you guessed it - it's the Best Album Eliminator! Zombie thing that it is. You can't kill it with indifference, folks, so you might as well get a vote in...

So, here's the elite eight!

The Velvet Underground & Nico  -  Nevermind 

Revolver - Blood On The Tracks

Sticky Fingers -  Abbey Road

Automatic For The People - Who's Next

So, Blood on the Tracks, or Blood on the canvas? Hits will be hard, votes will be controversial (maybe), and at the end there can be only four...

PS: For new music, drop back in tomorrow for something exclusive from Uncle Neil...


  1. Okay, fine, I'll go first. My picks are as follows: The Velvet Underground & Nico over Nirvana's Nevermind. The Beatles' Revolver over Dylan's Blood on the Tracks. In the toughest fight to date, I have to go with the Beatles' Abbey Road over the Stones' Sticky Fingers. I was sorry to see this match up come up in the Elite Eight, because one of the best albums is going to lose out! And finally, also is a tight battle I'm going with the Who's Who's Next over R.E.M.'s Automatic for the People. Can't wait to see who makes it to the Final Four! - greg

  2. Late to the party as usual but here are the correct answers:

    1. VU - no contest

    2. Revolver - a little closer but Dylan's album was just a good solid album while Revolver was truly ground breaking with new ideas bursting from every song (which makes it less cohesive but still the more significant album)

    3. Abbey Road - I agree with greg that this was a tough one but Abbey Road has more great moments and less throwaways than Sticky Fingers. I generally prefer listening to the Stones over the Beatles so it stinks that the Beatles landed two spots but Sticky Fingers shouldn't have been Stones representative here. Exile, Let it Bleed, or Beggars would have kept them in the running. Sticky Fingers would have beaten most other albums in this bracket though so that was a tough break.

    4. Who's Next - NO CONTEST! Every album on this list would pummel R.E.M. into a bloody pulp.

    Kudos to greg for scoring 100% this round!! Well done


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