Thursday, January 11, 2024

Best Album Eliminator! Again! Last First Round Bracket!

So, friends and neighbours, time to wrap up the first round of the Best Album Eliminator. Same rules as before, four matchups of classic albums going up against each other, and YOU decide the outcome. That is, if you leave a comment down there. (And as a quick reminder, you don't have to sign in or sign up, you can just leave an anonymous comment, preferrably signed with a nickname). 

So, we conclude the first round with the following matchups:

Songs In The Key Of Life (1) - Automatic For The People (8)

Are You Experienced (4) - Blonde On Blonde (5)

London Calling (3) - Who's Next (6)

Exile On Main Street (2) – Superfly (7)

So, folks, get those votes in and send four classic albums to the sweet sixteen... 


  1. This round was a little easier to decide on, at least in my opinion. First up it's definitely Songs in the Key of Life. Next, the only upset, as I choose Blonde on Blonde! Following those are London Calling and finally Exile on Main Street. So 3 favorites and only 1 upset this round.

    1. Sorry, I failed to sign into Google before posting, if it matters this is greg t

    2. It matters not, Greg, just sign with your nickname, as you did here.

      Hoever, looks like it's just you and me, buddy.

      Crickets around here. So the next elimination will be the Eliminator itself, if no one leaves a vote/comment...

  2. Auto over Key
    Dylan's one of my faves, but I'll take Jimi this time
    Next over Calling
    Fly over Exile
    C in California

  3. Songs In The Key Of Life had way more good songs (and better musicianship) than Automatic For The People.

    I prefer the songs of Blonde On Blonde over the musicianship of Are You Experienced.

    London Calling -- tough choice, but I love it more than Who's Next.

    Exile On Main Street – only because I've never heard the entire Superfly soundtrack.

  4. So, Automatic beats Songs

    Are You Experienced over the Blondes

    Who's Next over London Calling

    I'll go for the upset - Superfly over Exile

  5. So, considering the few participants, I have to invoke the little known blogmaster rule, which says that in case of a tie the blogmaster gets the tie-breaking vote.

    Sorry, I don't make the rules I just enforce them. Wait, hold on, come to think of it, I do make the rules...

    Songs In The Key Of Life (1) 2 - Automatic For The People 3 (2+1) (8)
    Are You Experienced (4) 3 (2+1) - Blonde On Blonde 2 (5)
    London Calling (3) 2 - Who's Next 3 (2+1) (6)
    Exile On Main Street (2) 2 – Superfly (7) 3 (2+1)

    Bunch of upsets due to yours truly...

  6. Wow, I'm farther behind here than I realized. This is might be the hardest one yet. Probably too late for my vote to count but ...

    Songs In The Key Of Life - Automatic for the People doesn't even seem like it should be a contestant in this contest. Not a big Stevie fan but it's clearly the better album.

    Are You Experienced - both great albums but Jimi's debut is still the clear winner.

    Who's Next - the Clash have just never clicked with me (even though I love a lot of their contemporaries). The only song I enjoy by them is Train in Vain. Who's Next is a fantastic album.

    Exile On Main Street - I love some of the Superfly songs but Exile on Main Street has a lot more winners over all.

    1. Actually probably the easiest one yet once I gave it some thought


Let Ronald Eldon Sexsmith comfort you in these dark times...

I sure hope you have already heard of Ron Sexsmith, but unfortunately, even if you know him, and I know him, we are still too few. Sexsmith ...