Wednesday, January 31, 2024

All Pearls, No Swine Vol. 9 - Once More, With Feeling

Another day,another sojourn down the cobweb-covered, dusty roads full of forgotten treasures from the 1970s. And wouldn't you know it, it's more of the same! More or less! But from other people! So, yeah, you will find a healthy mix of country rock on here, some folk, some rock'n'roll and for psych fans like...uh...Psychfan some psych folk! 

Only one APNS alumni in Jim Sullivan, the man who mysteriously disappeared in the desert, and was featured back on APNS 2! So, here's the customary introduction to some of the newcomers: Sibylle Baier was a German actress, seamstress and family woman who made some home recordings late at night while the family was sleeping which finally saw release in 2006, "Tonight" is sounding sufficiently somnambulisttic. The Flying Circus - to be featured here at One Buck Records in the future - was an Australian band who started with bubblegum pop but really wanted to play country rock, then migrated to Canada and started to play harder edged rock, as can be heard on "Turn Away" here. Arrogance from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, can probably lay claim to be one of the longest tenured college rock bands (before that became a term), passing through several musical styles during their time, the demo for "Open Window" finds them on the cross roads between their earlier country rock stylings and a more straightforward pop they would get to in the early 80s. 

          Your friendly neighbourhood kiwi. He does look a bit like Peter Jackson, doesn't he? 

Gary & Randy Scruggs are of course finger-pickin' legends, "The Lowlands" is exceedingly lovely. The most known commodity on this volume is probably a toss-up between them and Keith Christmas. John Donoghue (pictured above) was a kiwi who played in a number of known local bands, but only has a single album to his name from which "A Worm's Eye View Of Blackpool" is taken. Mark Jones out of Virginia made one self-published country rock album, then joined the establishment, then finally became the drifter he describes in some of his songs. He'll definitely be featured here as well. Megan Sue Hicks was an Australian folkie who managed a major label deal with Warner Brothers for her album, "Hey, Can You Come Out And Play" shows off her psych folk well. Country Funk were a slightly psychedelic country rock group who cut a single album for Polydor in 1970. "Lost In A Southern Town" from Canadian folkie Ian Tamblyn is from his casette only debut Moose Tracks. MorningSong was a student band from Penn State that made one record in 1974. 

So, ready for another trip down a road that's lined with pearls, no swine allowed? On you go then...


  1. APNS 9

  2. Thanks for another volume and for making me aware of Megan Sue Hicks. You have me pegged.

    1. You'll find that J.D. Elias and Cy Timmons also have more than a hint of psych to their takes on folk, and Skeptic Union have a psych/prog spin on country rock. So, yeah, I think you might enjoy a bunch of stuff on this...

    2. I'll check on those as well. Thanks!

    3. ...says you know who.


Let Ronald Eldon Sexsmith comfort you in these dark times...

I sure hope you have already heard of Ron Sexsmith, but unfortunately, even if you know him, and I know him, we are still too few. Sexsmith ...