Tuesday, September 5, 2023

All Pearls, No Swine Vol. 1

 So, what is "All Pearls, No Swine"? 

For one thing, a phrase that popped in my head while I was compiling the first volume of what will (if all goes well and there are actually folks listening to this) a long running series on this blog. I'm not sure how exactly I started perusing the weirder and less visited corners of You Tube, chasing unknown diamonds in the rough that probably don't show up on music blogs every day, but it started a hunt for more unknown or semi-forgotten music, first only from the 1970s (the golden age of music, in my opinion, and I wasn't even born until it was almost over...), then spilling over in the 1980s and finally I made volumes on the following decades as well. My chase, especially throughout the 1970s and 1980s, led me to some fantastic artists, some truly weird one-offs, and a lot of stuff in the middle of these extremes. 

The 1970s and 1980s editions of the "All Pearls, No Swine" series will be a mix of music from private pressings, small local labels or the occasional underexposed act from an established label (or established artist on an underexposed label). Known names do pop up from time to time, albeit with songs that got  away: alternate versions, outtakes, the works. Speaking of pops: vinyl crackles and pops have been judiciously added for your authentic listening experience.

It's really simple. If you like the music on this first volume of APNS, you will probably like what I'm posting on this blog (and if you don't, there are other types of music coming). But this first volume will give you a good idea for my sweet spot mainly explored in this series: a healthy dose of country rock, a couple of singers-songwriters, a bit of folk, the occasional rock track, and from time to time some more exotic ingredients I appreciate, but only in small measures, like psych rock or prog rock. 

Music from artists featured here like Bob Burchill, Will Beeley, Jay Bolotin, Bluestone or George Law will come up in the following weeks. So will more pearls (and no swine...) 

Hope to see you then...

PS: Tell me what you think of these artists in the comments, will ya? It'll be merrier here without me just talking to myself and the unknown internet out there...


  1. All Pearls, No Swine Vol. 1


  2. Thanks in advance, haven't listened to it yet ;-)

    1. Interesting collection, I didn't know any of these artists! It would be great if you could add some info about them in the future.

    2. You know, that was an idea, to give a brief idea on some of the artists, but in the excitement of getting things started I forgot. I will post more about most of the artists like Bob Burchill, Will Beeley, Jay Bolotin, George Law or Luke Wilson in their proper posts a little bit later on. They are basically all now forgotten singer-songwriters from the U.S. or Canada, who managed one or two albums back in the 1970s, some on tiny independent labels. Most of the acts only had local success, and some none.

  3. Thanks OBG -- sounds like a project right up my alley! Speaking of unknown diamonds in the rough from 1970s, here's a u-tube gem that was shared earlier this year on Aquarium Drunkard that is just sublime: https://youtu.be/_j8peGDFWG0?feature=shared (Michael O'Gara - Mystic Rider, 1975)

    1. Oooh, I'll check it out. APNS is a never-ending series, so there is probably space for Mr. Gara. The title alone sounds fantastically 70-ish!

    2. I checked that link out as well and started digging, very hard album to find, but I finally succeeded, it's pretty good!
      If you like I can send you the link so you can post it here.

    3. hells yeah -- if OBG wants to post it that's dope but otherwise I'd love to see the link here! Thx brother!

    4. Art, go ahead and post the link. I'm as intrigued as everone else, and it would take me a while to do a write-up...

      Anonymous, how 'bout signing your post with a nickname, any ol' nickname? Makes things more convivial around here...

    5. Here you are! 8 songs at Farq's approved bitrate: 192 kbps + 'Gunfighter' at 128 kbps (converted it from YouTube as I couldn't find it anywhere else). I also made a PDF with all text info and artwork I could find, which wasn't much unfortunately.

  4. Thanks, OBG, for this new blog and for Volume 1 in the "All Pearls, No Swine" series. While I'm at it, I'd also like to thank MrDave for linking to that haunting Michael O'Gara piece -- and art58koen for creating that entire Michael O'Gara package.

    1. And wow: As it turns out, there's also this feature story on Michael O'Gara late in life: https://commercecitysentinel.com/stories/rock-of-ages,336017

    2. Ouch, that's so sad... The article was published in 2011 when he was still alive...


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