Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Best Album Eliminator strikes back! It's Sweet Sixteen time, baby!

Okay, so I dramatically announced the possible death of the Best Album Eliminator to the sounds of - absolute silence! You go, commenters! So, technically that thing should be dead. And then I thought to myself: Fuck it, it's your blog, you can put up what you want to. So, even if it's just three or four or us, we'll let it play out. 

Oh, one important thing: All of the last first round bracket match-ups were decided by a tiebreaker that just happened to be mine, because as the chairman of this whole ridiculous enterprise I get double voting power. Unfair you say? Absolutely! Wanna do something about it? Well, go on and vote then, friends and neighbours! Again, you don't need to register anywhere to comment, you don't need to justify your votes (though a sentence on why you voted like you did would be awesome!) and the whole thing is in good fun anyways. And what do they say? The more the merrier! And if not, well it's just the three or four of us, boys...

So, to the sounds of crickets, here's the sweet sixteen: 

Pet Sounds - The Velvet Underground & Nico

Led Zeppelin IV - Nevermind

Car Wheels On a Gravel Road - Revolver

The Band - Blood On The Tracks


Sticky Fingers - Ziggy Stardust

Born To Run - Abbey Road

Automatic For The People - Are You Experienced?

Who's Next - Superfly

Now here's some heavyweights fighting for you. Let the blood shed begin...


  1. As they used to say in Pogo cartoons, I like to vote early and often.

    VU & Nico
    The Band
    Sticky Fingers
    Abbey Road
    Are You Experienced
    Who's Next

    I've commented on my choices before, but the most difficult one for me this time around was The Band vs Blood On The Tracks.

  2. Pet Sounds
    Led Zeppelin IV
    The Band
    Sticky Fingers
    Abbey Road
    Automatic For the People
    Who's Next

    Based on my selections, you can tell what decade I grew up in and acquired my taste in music. The hardest choice I had was in eliminating LuCinda Williams, but sorry she easily falls to The Beatles, even though I do not like choosing 2 Beatles' albums. Also a tough decision in selecting REM over Hendrix, as that was my only "alternative" selection, but as much as I appreciate Jimmi's guitar skills I have a tough time listening to a whole album from him in one sitting!

  3. 1) Velvet Underground & Nico
    2) Nevermind
    3) Revolver
    4) Blood On The Tracks
    5) Ziggy Stardust
    6) Born To run'
    7) Automatic For The People
    8) Who's Next?

  4. VU

  5. And here's my votes

    Zep IV
    Car Wheels


  6. Wait, what?!?! It's back!! I thought this feature got the axe. I'm still WAY too late for my vote to count at this point but here are the correct answers (it's too bad some of the correct ones were already eliminated but that's the internet for you)

    The Velvet Underground & Nico: no contest. As you're going say in a future post on Holland (yes I can divine the future), Pet Sounds is for losers (or something to that effect).

    Led Zeppelin IV: are you even kidding me right now?!? Come on! Nevermind was a good alt-rock album for it's time but everyone in that band, alive or dead, would agree that it doesn't hold a candle to Zofo.

    Revolver: "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road" is a great song, no doubt. But the album can't compete with one of the great pop masterpieces of all time. Every song on Revolver seemed to have spun off whole new genres of music.

    Blood On The Tracks: no contest again. The Band are fairly competent musicians I guess but they're pretty boring without Dylan writing and singing songs for them. No one wants to hear about some horse on a ridge or the confederates licking their wounds.


    Ziggy Stardust: this was the hardest one so far but Ziggy is a better album overall by a smidge.

    Abbey Road: no contest. Abbey road is a masterpiece. Bruce is a hack.

    Are You Experienced?: are you kidding me again with this?!?! REM does not even deserve to be in this contest. Neither does Nirvana for that matter but they at least know how to rock. Are you Experienced is one of the greatest albums ever. Automatic for the People is cutout bin material at best.

    Who's Next: I thought we did this one already too? Superfly has some superfly songs on it but Who's Next is another all time great albums with fantastic songs front to back. No contest again.

    I can't believe not a single judge got these right?!?! What is wrong with you people?!?! Nevermind over Zofo?!?! What?!?! Have you even listened to these albums?!? Automatic for the People over Are You Experienced???!?!?!?!!!!!???!!!!! Clearly YOU ARE NOT! (At least Greg admitted to his inability to take too much greatness in one sitting so kudos for that at least. Shame on the rest of you whose name isn't Jonder, who still only managed a failing 50%). I won't chastise you for Sticky over Ziggy, that's somewhat a matter of personal preference. But the others?! Come on people!


Let Ronald Eldon Sexsmith comfort you in these dark times...

I sure hope you have already heard of Ron Sexsmith, but unfortunately, even if you know him, and I know him, we are still too few. Sexsmith ...