Thursday, February 15, 2024

All Pearls, No Swine Vol. 10: I found some 80s stuff lying around...

Time for another round of our semi-popular series discovering unknown gems, and we're back in the 80s. This volume splits the difference between the first two 80s-themed volumes, half in the singer-songwriter, folk and country rock sound left over from the 70s, half embracing the shiny new sounds of the decade. So, on one hand this volume gathers up a bunch of stuff left from after the first 80s-themed volume was finished, so you'll find alumni like Jan Schim, Geoffrey A., Dan Knight and A Little Road And A Stone To Roll, as well as other self-published/micro-label folks such as Adrian Calandra and Chris Montgomery with the blissed oout respectively fitfully drugged out sound of "Narcotic Abusers". Did someone here say "psych folk"? A label that probably also works for Paul Mowbray, Scott Key and Dan Knight with the dramatic "Forever Grey Afternoons".  

And you also get to hear old heroes try out new things! Hear Rick Nelson go for a chunky 80s sound for "Chump Change Romeo"! Hear Ian Matthews continue his new wave adventures with Hi-Fi, though comrade David Surkamp is assuring lead vocals on "Time After Time"! Hear John Stewart do him one better, firing up the sequencer and going full Vangelis on "Behind The Wheel"! 

For some variety, hear Idlewild South declaring that Southern Rock isn't dead, stopping by at "Pedro's Bar and Grill". The song is the b-side of the lone single they issued in 1980 before splitting up a couple years later, then reuniting and cutting their debut album in 2014! This album even has known artists incognito, such as Elliott Smith showing up with his teen band Stranger Than Fiction. And some international flair, as folkie Nick Lambing is from Switzerland!

So, friends and neighbours, there's a bunch of cool little known and unknown music within, as is customary for the series. Enjoy, and tell me what you think of these folks in the comments, if you ever get around to it...


  1. APNS 10

  2. I'm catching up after being too busy to check me music blogs for a while. Downloaded, and will get to it soon (I hope...).
    C in California


Let Ronald Eldon Sexsmith comfort you in these dark times...

I sure hope you have already heard of Ron Sexsmith, but unfortunately, even if you know him, and I know him, we are still too few. Sexsmith ...