Monday, June 10, 2024

Uh's the finals YOU waited for! Uh, no not you! No, not you either! Well, there must be someone...

So, folks, I guess it had to come down to this. (Sigh) Much as I would've wanted to avoid a Beatles vs. Beatles final, you - the public - demanded such a final. Well, all five of you. So, after months of gleefully ignoring waiting with baited breath, here's the dream finale of our Best Album Eliminator:

Revolver vs. Abbey Road

It's prime Beatles vs. uh, prime Beatles, but close to the end anyway...

It's something new in every song vs. something good in almost every song (don't mention "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"...)

Well, anyway, there's way more folks with way more opinions on the Beatles than me, so, uh, have at it in the comments. Vote for the Beatles album of your choice. Or tell us about the Beatles album of your choice. Or a Beatles song of your choice. Or, you know, whatever...

So, folks, in this battle of giant bugs against other giant bugs who will prevail..?

Spoiler: It'll be giant bugs...


  1. Nothing to see here, folks...

    But do get your Beatles vote in...or a Beatles comment...

  2. Geez, they are both good albums but I've always been partial to the medley on the second side of Abby Road.

  3. Back In 1975 I picked up a used copy of Revolver for 25 cents. I was paying for it when the guy who was running the cash register gleefully announces to everyone in the store that I had just made the purchase of a lifetime. I got back to my apartment and proceeded to play the shit out of it. I couldn't get "Got To Get You Into My Life" out of my head for a week. I love this album and even though the Abbey Road medley is fantastic I still have to with Revolver.

  4. Abbey Road gets my vote. Despite a couple of turds on Side 1 and Revolver having some of their very best songs, Abbey Road still has a greater hit to miss ratio for me.

  5. The Road over the Revolver.
    C in California

  6. Just so you don't think I didn't put in the work on this all Beatles final, I pulled out both albums and listened to them with "today's ears" and must say, I love both lps! But I'm going to have to cast my vote for ... Abbey Road. Maybe there is some sentimental feelings that tip my vote to the last album the Beatles worked on and finished together. Yeah, yeah, I know Let It Be was released after, but it was recorded before Abbey Road. It's just that Abbey Road is the perfect wrap up for the greatest 60's band of guys that I grew up with (no, not personally). Nuff said!

    Thanks for completing this, even though it didn't turn out like you had hoped, or drew more participants. - greg

  7. I was hoping for a final battle of The Beatles vs. The Who, but either way I woulda voted for Revolver. It's the tabula rosa of power pop, innit?

    So what do the surviving Beatles win? I mean, assuming they beat The Beatles...

  8. Ok, my vote is Abbey Road, mainly on the strength of the side two medley. Only one band could pull out their unfinished leftovers and turn them into a minor masterpiece. Plus Something. Plus Come Together. Hell, I even like Octopus' Garden...


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