Tuesday, June 18, 2024

All right, the all-time bestest, most awesomest album of all time is...

 yup, it's Abbey Road, winning the final of the Best Album Eliminator 5:2

So, to all five and a half who stuck around and with this thing since *checks notes*  October (!?!). We did it, folks. With a skeleton crew, but we did it. So, skeletons, pat yourself on your bony backs..the Best Album Eliminator has finally ended and Abbey Road is now 100%, beyond all doubt proven to be the best album of all time. 

Yeah, so, of course it isn't, but it was a fun exercise, and we've seen many great albums that demand a relisten along the way...

So, to commemorate the winner of the Best Album Eliminator I wanted to post a goodie or two, and had some suitable stuff lying around in case Revolver won it. But I didn't really have much for Abbey Road. So I'm gonna have to rely on someone else's work. Shout out to the Half-Hearted Dude at the Any Major Dude With Half A Heart blog who compiled a series of albums of cover versions of Beatles albums called Beatles Recovered. The one for Abbey Road includes, among others, Gladys Knight & The Pips, Nina Simone, Isaac Hayes and Roberta Flack, as well as some oddities such as a strange German language cover of "Maxwell's Silver Hammer". I merely put the cover art he did on the individual tracks. 

So, here's some slightly different Abbey Road, to celebrate the victory of the Beatles album that should have been their swan song...


  1. Abbey Road Recovered


  2. This looks great OBG -- I honestly never get tired of good cover versions of classic songs and it looks like there are lots of those here. Thx!


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