Sunday, December 31, 2023

Party like it's 1999...or 1987...or 2024 (or: When Prince met Miles)

Just a quick one before the festivities start. What better than doing a new year's bash, and invite someone special? That's what Prince Roger Nelson did on New Year's Eve 1987, inviting Miles Davis to join his band for a special benefit concert. And so we get Prince running through a number of his greatest hits, including "Let's Go Crazy", "When Doves Cry", "U Got The Look" and of course "Purple Rain", here coupled with "Auld Lang Syne" know. All ably assisted by his backing band which is top notch and subtly assisted by Mr. Miles, who gets a number of solo spots throughout, and especially during the monstrous ending medley, Prince and Miles running wild for 34 minutes!

This album isn't mine, so is presented "as is", including the artwork and the huge medley at the end being split in several parts. I just fixed titles/tags and artwork on the music files. 

So, listen to this and party like it's 1999, 1987 or 2024! See you on the other side, folks!


  1. Miles From The Park

  2. Wow! Prince may have lost to Brooce in the Album Eliminator series, but this show sounds like a winner. My wife saw Prince in concert several times, and told me that he always showcased members of his backing band, interpolated excerpts from current hit songs, and demonstrated his own mastery of a range of instruments.

    I'm told that these Prince performances were often as long as a Springsteen show. I regret that I never saw Prince in concert myself.

  3. Would enjoy a re-up on this when possible. Thanks in advance !

    1. No worries. Took me a while to find it, but there it is. New link established above


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