Alright alright, I know what you'll say, especially if you are a confirmed One Buck head, is ol' OBG doing some recycling again? Didn't we already have a bunch of McGuinn, Clark & Hillman on these pages? Yes, we did! But for some reason about thirty or so new-ish One Buck Heads wandered into, of all things, the thread on the misshapen third capter of MCH, McGuinn & Hillman's self-titled album (and again, no one asked for a link...?!). Weird, unless they are all Russian spy bots or something. So I figured I'll post the last MCH goodie on tap this weekend, but since some of you might not have the alt albums from the trio I'll repost these first and then get to the new content tomorrow.
But, if you've read the title, you'll see that I do promise something new in the title, because there is some! This week I relistened to Two Worlds, the re-imagined first MCH album, and what can I say, I was mildly miffed, thinking I didn't do a great job on that first album side. That first side, the 'country' side never seemed to get out of first gear. As much as I love "Crazy Ladies", it maybe wasn't the best choice for an album opener. And the version of "Feelin' Higher" just felt really slow, which wouldn't have been a huge problem, if "Release Me Girl" also wasn't quite slow. That's the problem of building an alt album around live Clark recordings. Geno would notoriously slow down his midtempo compositions, so that they'll inevitably end up with a dirge-like tempo.
When I laid out the idea of Two Worlds I was torn between using a much livelier, but electric live track for "Feelin' Higher" and the acoustic duo version that I finally stuck with, thinking that would be more coherent for the rural or 'country' side. But that was a mistake, pure and simple, the slowed down numbers together with the "Surrender To Me" demo and "Crazy Ladies" basically had four slow-ish numbers one after the other, turning the beginning of the album into a sluggish affair. So, back to the drawing board for OBG - I reworked and resequenced the entire first side. The live version is in, with the added latin percussion coda a much better fit than the slightly akward transition on the aoustic track. Then, the first five tracks are all resequenced for a better flow. And finally, I thought that the transition at the beginning of the reprise of "Feelin' Higher" at the end of the album didn't sound quite right, either, so I remixed that as well..
All that is to say: If you like the general idea or the first version of Two Worlds, then you should still get this to upgrade, because the version included here is an improvement to my ears. Also included are the same-as-before re-imagined second album City and the expanded McGuinn & Hillman album. (You can check out more info on all three albums in the respective write-ups, should you feel so inclined)
And be sure to check in tomorrow for another MCH goodie...
3x MCH, one new-ish-ish
Just noticed two teeny tiny labeling errors in Two Worlds. Nothing bad, but what can I say, I'm a stickler for details. Only quality products leave the OBG assembly line. So, if you want to re-exchange Two Worlds for a third time...