Sunday, December 22, 2024

Ho!Ho!Ho! Sightings...

Ho!Ho!Ho! And by that I don't mean the scantily clad women...wait, what's that you say? I made the same joke last year? Ah, we're gonna make that an inofficial Christmas tradition then, here at One Buck Records, together with the mandatory Christmas compilation. We will beat it into the ground until it is super annoying and then beat it some more until it becomes awesome again. Unless if it never was awesome in the first place, but we're not gonna entertain that notion. So. Hos. Lots of them. Yelled by an overweight fella in suspicious red attire. It's that time of the year again...

If you don't like Christmas music, like, at all (U A H8R BRO?), this isn't for you, but if you like Christmas music with a twist (mostly), then it is. There are a couple of straightforward classic Christmas carols here, mostly by soul artists such as The Jackson 5, The Rotary Connection and the Supremes, as well as a relatively traditionalist take on "Joy To The World" by neo-trad folkies Cawlings, but of course half the fun is having non-traditional Christmas songs getting their due, like house favorite Ron Sexsmith wondering, if "Maybe This Christmas" will mean something more. We have Christmas-adjacent songs from Michael Kamen and The Cowsills. We have humorous takes on Christmas songs by The Doobie Brothers, The Goo Goo Dolls and Alabama. 

Is she wrapping or unwrapping..? And does it really matter?

We have power-poppy Christmas tunes from The Weeklings and Mike Daly and an uptempo raver from The Mavericks. And speaking of uptempo: House favorites Jimmy Eat World give us a sped up, non ironic take on Wham's cheesy "Last Christmas", arguably improving it. Cheap Trick, as always bring the noise on the short, energetic "Christmas Christmas". And then, as the album fades into the (holy) night, we slow things down with Michael McDonald wishing for us to have a merry little Christmas and Brandi Carlisle celebrating "O Holy Night". 

X-tremely X-cellent X-Mas (or XXX, but I'm still workshopping the acronym there) has, as you can see, a bit of everything and hopefully a thing or two for you. If you were good this year, that is...

So, folks, merry Christmas, happy hanukah or whatever other good reason you can find to be merry and with friends or family these days...


  1. Man, volume EQing was a bitch on this one due to all the different sources having different volume levels.

    Hope you enjoy the results...

    XXX (no, not that kind...)

  2. Mucho gracias OBG Felice Navidad

  3. Thanks & Happy New Year!
    This ain't bad either as a Christmas Blues:

  4. Thanks, folks, happy wishes back to y'all! Halfway through this Christmas thing already, right?!

  5. Buckster (Can I call you that? No? OK, no prob....), OBG, have a happy holiday and thanks for the continuing output and attention to detail therein.
    C in California


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