Thursday, September 5, 2024

Happy Birthday to One Buck Records!

Woof, tempus fugit, mes amis, tempus fugit. I knew that I had started this thing about a year ago, and upon checking, started it one year ago to the day. So, happy birthday to this lil' blog! I'm not gonna lie, the first weeks were often frustrating, seeing traffic slowly creep into double digits and twenties, then thirties. But hey, that's the growing pains of every new blog I reckon. Persistence, keeping posting, keeping the thing rolling...and here we are, 146 posts and a year later. 

Thanks to Jonder for encouragement, mentions on his jonderblog and commenting; to Babs and Fu Manchu for liking and linking this place; to Art, MrDave, steVe and C in old faithful. And to everyone who not only drops by, but also leaves a comment from time to time. Blogging is a lonely place sometimes, so keep the comments coming folks... 

And now, to another year of One Buck Recordings...

...raise your glasses, shake your asses...



  1. Congratulations! And keep up the good work!!

  2. Happy B-day and here's to another year of one buck bargain bin treasures!

  3. Happy Birthday! Can't believe it's been a year already.

  4. Yeah, what they said!
    No, seriously, congrats and thanks for keeping on keeping on. This is one of only about 4-5 sites I check on the reg'lar, so keep it up Up UP!
    C in California

  5. Congrats and thanks for all the hard work and good music!

  6. Happy Birthday OBG! - Stinky


Aerosmith G.T.F.O. - Again...

Let's do it like they do in Hollywood: That's right, folks, it's sequel time! Not necessarily because  the first album was such...