I didn't have an idea who Winston Francis was when I fished the basis of today's little mix out of the bargain bin. The cover art sure as hell didn't help, the whole thing looked like a bootleg. And yet, the record store of my choice really wanted to get rid of their overstock of unwanted discs, throwing out 15 for ten bucks. So, when I had found eight or nine that interested me I took a flyer on the rest of them, including the Feel Good All Over - The Medley Album of Mr. Winston. It is exactly what it says it is, Winston singing his way through over thirty song snippets, but over the course of an hour, the approach of having Winston sing over a barely changing rhythm gets a little tiresome, So, some sugery was in order. Here's about a third of the medley, having Francis sing his way through oldies but goodies like "Midnight Hour", "For The Good Times", Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head", "Can't Help Falling In Love", "Red Red Wine" and "Wonderful World". First rate karaoke? Maybe. But as a little palate cleanser while the days get shorter, darker and rainier around here, here's some sunshine reggae from good ol' Mr. Fix-It...
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Aerosmith G.T.F.O. - Again...
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Sunshine Reggae
This is so embarrassing, I consider myself as the reggae guy, but I had never even heard of Mr. Fix-It... Therefore thank you for this mix!